About Us

Our History
Israel Total Life Ministries was founded by Archbishop Larry D. Palmer, Sr. and the late First Lady Brenda Faye Palmer. In the early days of the ministry, the first meetings were held in the basement of their home. As the ministry began to flourish, we soon outgrew our humble basement accommodations and realized we needed a larger place to worship. As God drew more and more people to the vision and mission of Israel Total Life Ministries, the Lord opened a ministry door of opportunity and the ITLM congregation moved to J.C. Parks Elementary School, in Indian Head Maryland. The first service was held on May 4, 2003, with over 100 people in attendance.
As Archbishop and the late Lady Palmer labored in the ministry, the Lord continued to add more people to the flock. In order to maximize our ministry efforts, the Lord put upon Archbishop’s heart the desire to move to a more permanent location. After several years of praying, seeking, and knocking, the Lord led Archbishop and the late, Lady Palmer to build a ministry at 64 Industrial Park Drive in Waldorf, Maryland. Their faithful labor, along with that of ITLM’s leaders and members culminated in building a brand new 700 seat cathedral.
Our Mission is Simple: Make Disciples.
To increase our faith and the faith of our fellowman, in understanding the relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to fulfill the Great Commission in St. Matthew 28:19-20.
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and, lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
Our “Seven Mountain Prophetic Mandate” – ITLM is committed to making disciples and discipling nations as it relates to the seven main pillars of every nation’s culture or society. These seven pillars, or mountains, of influence are Media, Government, Education, Economy, Celebration (Arts & Entertainment), Religion, and Family. As the favor of God opens doors of opportunity for ITLM to influence these seven culture-shaping areas, we will offer Christ’s solutions to society, fulfill the Great Commission, and advance the kingdom of God in the nations according to Rev 11:15, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”

Our Vision
Our immediate vision is to be used by God to equip our church, the local community, and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Israel is dedicated to meeting the needs of the church.
Meet Our Pastor
Archbishop Larry D. Palmer Sr.
Archbishop Palmer accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior in August 1982, served as a deacon for two years, and began preaching the Word of God in 1987. He has worked with multiple Air Force Chapel programs and local community programs where he has served as Interim Pastor, President of the Advisory Board, Lay Leader of Ministers, and various other positions on divers occasions. He has also preached internationally. He is a unique teacher, powerful preacher, and compassionate shepherd, who is full of the Holy Spirit. When you come to know him, you will never forget him for the Spirit of the Living God directs his path.

Our Ministries
Millenial Voices of Praise
Our Millenial Choir lifts up Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship to our Lord and Savior with their whole heart, soul and spirit.
Dance Ministry
Our Spirit filled dancers will bless you as they minister to the Lord through songs of worship.
Hospitality Ministry
Serve as hosts, hostesses and greeters during special services and church events to meet the needs of members and guests.
Deacons Ministry
Appointed by Pastor, serves the ITLM family through leadership in church administration, care of parishioners, & overseeing continual operation of the church.
Men of Israel
Assists men and boys of the church to grow spiritually becoming better leaders in their homes, church, jobs and communities through a weekly men’s fellowship and other special activities.
Love to Life Ministry
Married and engaged couples meet to share and discuss the Word of God, and to know what thus saith Lord when “the two shall become one.”
Outreach Ministry
Our outreach ministry consists of four (4) teams that go out into the community to minister to the people right where they are.
Nurses Ministry
Our nurse’s ministry consists of professionally trained individuals who are gifted with applying their professional training to assisting anyone in the congregation with medical assistance if needed.
Singles Ministry
Our single adults meet monthly to share and discuss how they should live righteously daily before God as His Word commands.
Ushers Ministry
Serves visitors and members attending worship services, and other special events by directing them to available seating and receiving tithes and offerings.
Discipleship Ministry
Where Are You in your spiritual walk? You are part of a team and have a role to play in helping the church succeed in fulfilling the mission Jesus gave us. Discover your mission through Discipleship.
Sisters of Purpose
Assists women and girls of the church to grow spiritually becoming better leaders in their homes, church, jobs and communities through a weekly women’s fellowship and other special activities.
Praise & Worship Ministry
Our Praise and Worship team lifts up the name of Jesus and worship the Lord in His beauty through songs of praise.
Elder's Council
Our Elders Council serve the people of God diligently, utilizing their gifts for the edification of the body of Christ.